California now allows healthcare workers with covid-19 to stay on the job if asymptomatic


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- California now allows healthcare workers with covid-19 to stay on the job if they are asymptomatic.

As we reported last night, in an effort to address hospital staffing shortages across the state. 

Here in Eureka Providence, Saint Joseph Hospital indicated it is seeing between 40 to 50 health care workers out at a time due to covid-19.

Providence Chief Executive Roberta Luskin-Hawk discussed the staffing shortage issues during a virtual news conference today. She also weighed in on the decision by state health officials to let nurses with covid-19 keep working.

“Caregivers would have to wear an N95 mask to protect those people around them in the end, and I think that CDPH is giving guidance that allows us to keep all of our emergency operations open and do it in a safe way,” said Roberta Luskin-Hawk, Chief Executive for Providence in Humboldt County.