Shigella outbreak spread along 101 Eureka corridor

EUREKA, Calif.(KIEM)- Humboldt County Public health became aware of the Shigella outbreak a few weeks ago, linking two laundromats in Eureka. But now, they suspect that the spread of the bacteria is a lot greater. 

“Typical symptoms of shigella could have diarrhea that could or could not have blood usually; people have upset stomachs, cramping and fever may also appear and that’s something to be on the lookout for,” said Daniel Tran, Public Health nurse for Humboldt County Public Health. 

Public health stated that Several confirmed and suspected cases of shigella diarrheal illness had been linked to locations in the Eureka 101 corridor along the north and west side of town. They have confirmed 5 cases and are investigating 11 additional cases. 

“One of the things right now that we are experiencing with a pandemic we know that covid can sometimes cause diarrhea which may mask shigella. We have had cases where it came into our radar because they were hospitalized for and tested positive for covid, but it also turns out that they also had shigella,” said Daniel Tran. 

You can be infected with as little as ten microorganisms making it highly contagious.

Public health suggests that people wash their hands before putting anything in their mouth and constantly wash their hands after using the restroom.

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