The 83rd Redwood Region Logging Conference was kicked off


EUREKA, Calif.(KIEM)- In addition to agriculture, timber is another important industry for the north coast. It employs thousands of workers and contributes millions of dollars to the economy.

The 83rd annual Redwood Region Logging Conference kicked off today at the Redwood acres fairgrounds in Eureka. The theme of this year’s conference is “The Timber Industry, an Essential Industry.”

Today was education day at the conference, with hundreds of elementary students learning about forest management and wildlife.

The free event for the public will continue through Saturday from 9 to 5 daily.

“Logging is so important to our community because that’s part of our history, and it’s going to be part of our future. All that is changing is improving forest management and forest practices, and the students need to know that this is a future. There’s an opportunity; there are jobs, there are careers that they could look forward to, said Katherine Ziemer, with the Redwood Region Logging Conference.Â