The North Coast will hold events for Tsunami Preparedness Week


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calf. (KIEM)- Today marks the start of Tsunami Preparedness Week across California.

Emergency services officials say the December earthquake and January’s tsunami advisory serve as a wake-up call for us here along the North Coast to be prepared.

On Wednesday, a tsunami warning communications system test will be conducted for Del Norte, Humboldt, and Mendocino counties, which means some of you may hear tsunami sirens.

And the National Weather Service will conduct a test of the emergency alert system with alerts being sent out through radio and tv.

Airplanes will also fly over parts of Humboldt county, delivering messages via loudspeaker.

“This is just a week to think about tsunami preparedness and what sort of things you need to be ready for if we had a tsunami warning issued today and how you would respond, how you’d help your family. What are you going to do? You have to think about all those preparations and things that we need to be ready for, and that’s what this week is about,” said Ryan Aylward with the National Weather Service.Â