Statement Issued by County Superintendent to Educators


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- Officials around the nation are responding to the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas it’s the deadliest incident to take place in the U.S. in nearly a decade.

“You know, there are almost 6 million students that attend schools in California each day. I dropped my son off this morning, and I can’t deny that I did think about his safety and the safety of the other almost 18,000 students that attend schools here in Humboldt County,” said Michael Davies-Hughes, Humboldt County Office of Education Superintendent .

 The Humboldt County Office of Education Superintendent issued a statement saying the educational community is deeply saddened by the senseless school shooting at Robb Elementary school.

“First of all, let me extend my condolences, thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims at Robb Elementary School in Texas,” said Michael Davies-Hughes.

Following the tragedy, many parents are concerned regarding their children’s safety on school campuses still, the Superintendent is hopeful that Humboldt County schools remain as one of the safest locations in the county.

“We Cannot live in a environment of fear. And our schools are, again, some of the safest places for our students to be. And I want to reassure the parents and families of Humboldt County that our schools stand ready to provide your child, your children with a safe learning environment,” said Michael Davies-Hughes.