HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- Skyrocketing gas prices have led to pain at the pump for many of us, but Humboldt’s average has been ticking down in recent days.

Just within the past 24 hours — Humboldt County’s average cost for a gallon of gas has now dropped below six dollars a gallon. 

That marks the first time since May that we’ve seen gas prices here below the six-dollar level.

The statewide average is currently at 5.90 a gallon, which represents a 24 cent drop over the last week.

According to AAA, Humboldt County’s average price today is currently at $5.98 while it’s at $5.94 in Del Norte County.

An expert at AAA, of northern California offered us some insight today into what’s driving this price decline we’re seeing.

“We’re seeing right now is that there is this steady decline in the amount of people fueling up right now. So that’s driving down the cost of gasoline because there’s fewer demand when you factor in also that the price of crude oil is also going down. We’re about in the mid-nineties where about two weeks ago we were seeing the price of crude at about $110 per barrel. That’s making a significant impact as well on the price of gasoline and how much pain at the pump,” said Aldo Vazquez, AAA Spokesperson.

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