Emergency Food Distribution Site Set up in Willow Creek


Willow Creek, Calif. (KIEM)- A free emergency food distribution site was organized today in Willow Creek to help those impacted by the wildfires. 

Food for People in partnership with Dream Quest and Pay It Forward Humboldt have set up an emergency food distribution site in Willow Creek for those that have been affected or otherwise displaced by the Six Rivers Lightning Complex Fire.

“Today’s event is largely centered around food for people being here 1 – 3  with their massive truckload of food, water and supplies. Pay it forward. Humboldt and Dream quests are here every day, 10 – 6. We have food, water, blankets, personal hygiene supplies, games. Dog food. Cat food. Fresh coffee. Warm cookies,” said Trish Oakes, the Executive Director of Dream Quest.

Many residents who were evacuated or impacted by the wildfires visited the food distribution site today. 

“We were evacuated four or five days ago from our house and camping out and trying to make the best of it and appreciate the food for people for being here for times like these,” said Wanda Butler, a Salyer Resident.

For more information about food distribution sites throughout Humboldt county you can visit foodforpeople.org