The Six River Lightning Complex Fire reaches 33 Percent Containment


Willow Creek, Calif. (KIEM)- Last night’s predicted storm luckily did not materialize over the six rivers lightning complex fire area. Firefighters continue with full suppression techniques and containment continues to rise, today reaching thirty-three percent. 

Fire Behavioral Analyst Trainee, Kevin Osborne talked to us about the fires behavior lately. 

“The last night of control efforts in the fire were very successful. There was very minimal fire behavior…Today we are going to expect continued heavy smoke.” Osborn goes on to say, “When you can’t breathe, neither can the fire. And if the fire doesn’t get fresh air, it smolders and creeps and backs and it makes it much easier for us to contain and control as the containment of the fire progresses.”

As the containment of the fire progresses, some focus shifts to the cleanup of debris. Crews work with resource advisors in efforts to protect and prevent further harm to the cultural and natural resources of both Humboldt and trinity county. 

“When suppression activities happen, we can get out ahead of that and work to flag off areas. Provide advice to folks doing suppression so that those resources are protected,” said Donna Peppin the Lead Resource Advisor at the camp. “So far, minimal impacts haven’t done, but nothing major, which is the goal. And then those minimal impacts can, can and will be repaired during the suppression repair period during the fire,” said Peppin.