Weott Residents Inconvenienced with Another Boil Water Notice


Weott, calif. (KIEM)- Residents in the community of Weott received another boil water notice last week. This comes after the first notice was issued just last August.

Both residents and officials have become concerned with the water treatment plant in the small town. One resident called it “out of control”.

The same Weott community resident, Matthew Morrison said that he was told to close his mouth when taking a shower.

“They said, “close your mouth when you’re taking a shower.” Well, you know, you still gotta wash your dishes. How are you supposed to wash your dishes with bottled water? That’s unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable,” said Morrison.

This is the second boil water notice that the Weott Community Services District has issued since August. The small rural town finally received some help from outside organizations, Dark Gulch Environmental Consulting.

Sarah Bradley, the owner and Principle Biologist at the environmental consulting business talked to us about the quality of the water in Weott. 

“My company was contacted by the Rural Water Board… We did a couple of what we call hand samples just to see what the water quality was.”

The sampling had some concerning results. Bradley said, “I certainly would not drink that,” when referring to the town’s water. 

“Both of their online turbidity meters, which measure the turbidity in the water, were both offline. Therefore, there’s no way to accurately monitor the water quality that’s going to the people… I feel it’s a nightmare for our community,” said Bradley. 

Residents are pushing for critical changes to be made, and soon.

“We need government help to run this district because I don’t think the people that are running it now are capable of running it,” said Morrison. 

To view the boil water notice or contact the Weott Community Services District you can visit Weott Community Services District (weottcsd.com)