Covered California Celebrates 10th Open Enrollment Period


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) – Today Covered California, the state’s health insurance marketplace, celebrated a decade of increased access to health care.

A virtual event was held this morning to highlight their progress and commemorate their tenth open enrollment.

“Covered California has been the hero,” said California Assemblymember, Jim Wood, who was in attendance at the virtual event.

1.7 million Californians are currently enrolled in Covered California. The service says that the rate of those uninsured in California dropped to a record low in recent years, accrediting Covered California for that decrease.

Jessica Altman, the Executive Director of Covered California says that “Covered California has been there for millions of Californians to provide access to the health care that people need and that they deserve.”

Expanding coverage, lowering copays, premiums, and out-of-pocket expenses, the free service aims to make healthcare accessible for all.

Shasta Health Insurance Services, one of the providers partnered with Covered California, was there this morning to speak.

“The access to assistance is better than it ever has been,” said Marci Cohen, representative of Shasta Health Insurance Services.

According to Covered California there are still over 1 million uninsured Californians eligible for the service, including 101,000 in Northern California and the Sacramento Valley.

“And until we have coverage for everyone, I know, we’re going to continue to work hard in that direction,” said Assemblymember Wood.

Over half of that 1 million qualify for coverage at no cost.

“You know, you may not think you’re eligible, but you’d be surprised, especially with these new assistance programs that are out there,” said Cohen.

Enrollment assistance is easily accessible through their website

“It can be a confusing process, but it doesn’t have to be,” added Cohen.

Enrollment is currently open till January 31st.