Del Norte Center for the Performing Arts Receives 2.5 million in State Funding


CRESCENT CITY, Calif. (KIEM) – State Senate Majority Leader Mike McGuire made a big announcement this morning at Del Norte High School regarding the future Del Norte Center for the Performing Arts.

Del Norte High School will soon be home to one of the largest performing arts centers on the North Coast.

“This is going to be the gathering grounds for the future of Del Norte County. It’s also going to be an economic driver,” said McGuire. 

Today McGuire presented the school with a check for 2.5 million in state funds to help build the center. That combined with the 2 million already raised by local pledges, makes a total of 4.5 million in funds to build the center. 

Nick Rail, the President and Chair of Partnership for the Performing Arts was one of the speakers at the event. 

“Today’s event demonstrates the power of collaboration between the private and public sectors,” Rail said in his speech. 

More than just money, the funds provide the community with opportunity. 

“Rural California doesn’t have the same services as urban areas in the state, and that has to end. And that’s why we’re investing,” said McGuire. 

The center will not only serve students, but the rural community as a whole.

Superintendent of the Del Norte County Unified School District, Jeff Harris also spoke this morning. 

“It’s going to be open to all. Focusing first on students and performing arts. But it’s a center that’s going to promote entertainment, tourism, culture, community meetings, regional events, town halls, and more,” said Harris.

Although the center will be big enough to serve the surrounding communities as well, McGuire highlighted that the facility will greatly benefit the Del Norte community. 

“Most importantly, the Performing Arts Center. It’s going to serve the people of Del Norte, serve the people there by providing a place to gather, to perform and to learn. It’s to celebrate our unique culture,” said McGuire.

To get involved in the future Del Norte Center for the Performing Arts you can visit