4th Annual Humboldt Sponsors Blood Drive


Humboldt Sponsors is partnering up with the Northern California Community Blood Bank and are gearing up for their fourth annual blood drive this Wednesday, Feb. 1st. 

If you are looking to help contribute to the community, Humboldt Sponsors annual Blood Drive is the place to go. Lynn McKenna, the blood drive coordinator is looking forward to this year’s drive.

“If you’ve never donated and have been contemplating it, this is a good time to come and do it,” McKenna said. “We want to do this to help support the community, it’s critical for our community.”

The process is quick and easy. For those looking to do a normal blood donation, you can simply walk into the blood bank and register. Others who are looking to donate platelets must call ahead of time. Abby Ziesak, the Blood Bank donor recruiter, explained the process of donating during the drive. 

“So blood donation in total, we ask for about an hour of your time, especially on these busier drives,” Ziesak said. “You’ll get registered, answer about 50 questions on a tablet, just general medical questions and then you’ll go ahead and get screened. Actually, the needle in the arm is only in for about 5 to 10 minutes on average.”

Around 40 participants have already registered, Humboldt Sponsors is hoping to get up to 50. More donors means a better chance for the blood bank to fill up on Type O+ which they are in critical need of. 

“We’ve had a lot of traumas lately, so if anyone knows that they’re o-positive, we would love for them to come out and we’ll take any type of blood,” Ziesak said. “One donation of blood can help up to three people and throughout your lifetime, one in three people are in need of blood.”

The Northern California Community Blood Bank is located at 2524 Harrison Ave. The blood bank will open at 8am for walk-ins and will accept donations until 6:30pm.

Make sure to eat a nutritious breakfast before you go, the blood bank will have complimentary food and refreshments waiting for you after you are done donating.