Here is information on emergency plan options in Humboldt County


With many wildfires and conversations about Hurricane Hilary, you may be wondering what emergency managers are doing in our area. 

The best way to stay informed on evacuations or other natural disasters people of Humboldt County should sign up for Humboldt Alert. It’s the county’s public alert and warning system. It’s a free service but you have to sign up. In an emergency, it will direct you to safe evacuation routes and potential shelters like the Humboldt County Fairgrounds.

“Humboldt County Fairgrounds is one of the designated evacuation sites for the county of Humboldt,” said Jill Duffy the General Manager of the Humboldt County Fair. “The primary areas for evacuation are the buildings that will be used will be Hindley Hall and Belotti Hall. We also have kitchen facilities in Belotti Hall, as well as the turf room. The city of Ferndale also has a commercial kitchen in their community hall. So this way, working together, we’re able to best serve the needs of anybody who has been displaced by any natural disaster.”

If an emergency is declared during the Humboldt County Fair or other event Duffy explains that their contract with Humboldt County makes it clear that if the county has to activate an emergency response then everybody who is at the site would have to disperse.

“If there are sorts of restrictions as a result of being able to get out of the county because there are road closures or whatnot, those people would simply dismantle their act, their activities, and that they would likely remain here until that immediate emergency has passed,” Duffy said.

For more information about Humboldt County’s emergency plans go to