Cowboy Canned Food Convoy braves the rain for annual food donation event


Not even rain could steer these cowpokes from giving back to those in need.

“The Cowboy Canned Food Convoy has been a partnership for probably over a decade at this point with the Redwood Unit of the Backcountry Horseman of Northern California,” Food for People executive director Carly Robbins said. “And it really just started as a fun way to do a food drive, but also get a little excitement about supporting the food bank over the holiday season.”

This parade through Old Town collects donations from local businesses with people turning out to see the riders round them up.

Donations are put into their saddlebags as the riders parade through the streets of Old Town, acting almost as a window in time to a bygone era.

Riders will then take the donations and send them to the Food for People location in Eureka.

It’s also a reminder of how Humboldt County comes together to give back to those in the community.

“I’ve always said that Humboldt County is really good at taking care of one another. Y’know, from anything from helping to rebuild the facility to making sure that their friends and neighbors are taken care of,” Robbins said. “It really takes everyone working together to take care of our community and keep it healthy. I’m just grateful we have the strong support we do here locally.”

This is only the beginning of the organization’s holiday spirit food and fund drive with more fundraising events to come.

“We do a full week of an on-air food drive with KHUM live on air that culminates with Senator McGuire’s big food drive in which all the local high school students compete to see who could bring in the most food and funds,” Robbins said.

And outside of the drive, Food for People is always looking for more volunteers and assistance.

“We’re always looking for support, be it dropping off food, making a financial donation or even volunteering with your time. We definitely couldn’t do it without that support,” Robbins said.