North Coast Weather Forecast: Tuesday, December 4th


For the rest of our Tuesday, we will continue to have mostly cloudy skies in the area, just ahead of the cold front expected to move in the North Coast. Winds are looking to increase during the overnight hours as well, coming from the south with gusts up to 25 miles per hour. Light rain is expected for some of us around the midnight hours. Temperatures will drop to the 40s and 50s for lows. Heading into our Wednesday, the cold front we have been anticipating will finally be here. Plenty of rain showers and opportunity for localized flooding is expected for our viewing area, especially in lower valley places. Temperatures will be in the 50s for highs for most of us and winds will still be strong during the morning hours, gusting up to 25 miles per hour from the south, before calming down a little bit in the afternoon, with speeds around five to ten miles per hour later in the day. We are looking to add an additional two to five inches of rainfall, with the heavier rain showers staying more in Del Norte and Curry county in Oregon, and the northern half of Humboldt county. Siskiyou and Trinity county can expect a mix of rain and then snow with the colder temperatures inland. Thunderstorms are also able to produce with this front moving through, so we could hear a bit of thunder through the evening hours around the viewing area. Rain will continue through Thursday, then a few lingering showers are expected for the end of the week, with mostly cloudy skies. More rain for the weekend, just not as heavy or as much, but still more. Heading into the first half of next week, we will get a break from the rain again, and we are looking to have partly cloudy skies come back as we get into next week Tuesday.