Pro-Palestine protest continues, this is day two

This was from day one, Monday, April 22 outside of Siemens Hall where students protested from inside and outside for Palestine. | Photo by Karina Ramos Villalobos

Pro-Palestine protesters took over Cal Poly Humboldt’s Siemens Hall–an academic and administrative building–until law enforcement left the scene around 11 p.m. last night. We want to warn you, that some of the images you’re about to see are not suitable for all audiences.

Day two of the Pro-Palestine protest at Cal Poly Humboldt continued with building stronger barricades to enter or leave Siemens Hall, people making food for each other, and many others gathered in support of the movement.

“The most recent update that I have for you is that they are refusing to negotiate any leaving until the university divests,” said Jasmine Jolly, a student supporting the protest. 

It was a much different scene than Monday night where three students were dragged out of the building and arrested. We saw one young man sporting a head wound leaving the area and more than 100 protesters outside which led to a large law enforcement response.

Around 11 p.m., law enforcement officers from multiple jurisdictions lined up and left. Our first look inside Siemens Hall showed camping equipment, food, and students ready to stay for the night. The number of students inside the building at this moment is unknown.

Protesters have five demands, including disclosing all holdings and collaborations that the university has with entities of Israel, severing academic ties with Israeli universities, and transparency about a connection with Raytheon–a defense contractor who supports students at the university.

“We insist that no charges be put against student organizers and to cease all attacks against student organizers, like the violent attacks that you saw last night, I’m sure,” Jolly said. “And a complete end to the occupation of Palestine, including an immediate cease-fire.”

The protesters are willing to negotiate once their demands have been met.

“But they are not leaving,” Jolly said. “Or moving until the university has completely divested from Israel.” 

Campus will be closed through Wednesday and professors have been moving in-person classes to online. 

“Immediately came to show support,” said Roberto Mónico, Assistant Professor of Class, Race, and Gender Studies. “After you see that news, I shared it with other faculty members–students were asking for us to come to support them, especially because they felt nervous about a militarized police presence that was here.”

A group of Cal Poly Humboldt professors wrote a letter of support for the protesters and sent it to university president Tom Jackson Jr. and other university administrators.

“Students have a right to demonstrate and express their feelings, especially when, institutions are being complicit in the form of being silenced,” Mónico said. 

A spokesperson for the protesters tells Redwood News that the university has yet to communicate with them.