Hundreds turn out for Eureka zoning code workshop


EUREKA – Hundreds poured in to the Wharfinger Building to learn more about Eureka’s outdated zoning codes.
“a lot of times we’re in the position of enforcing regulations. We deliver bad news. It’s really great to see people heartened to see that we’re working on these regulations,” said City of Eureka Associate Planner Brian Heaton.
Eureka business owners, residents and even people from outside of the city turned out for Tuesday night’s workshop.
Development Services gave a presentation on how zoning codes work and their impacts on development.
Then attendees marked their favorite places on a giant map of eureka and had the chance to ask specific questions about how the zoning code update may affect their properties…. Everything from parking requirements to how best to manage open lands and plan for sea level rise.
Feedback will be integrated into the zoning code and general plan updates.
Heaton said, “Ultimately this is the democratic process. It doesn’t work without the people. There are no rights and wrongs. It’s just what do the people of Eureka want for their community. And this is 200 people that came out and learned and also gave us feedback about what they want for their community.”
Staff expect updates to be adopted in fall of 2018.