Sporting Youth: Fieldbrook Elementary 7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team


MCKINLEYVILLE, CA. (KIEM) – Fieldbrook Elementary school’s 7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball team faced opponents this season with bigger rosters than them. Despite that disadvantage, the Falcons had an 18 and 3 record winning a League Title. Leon Purvis has more with the Sporting Youth.

Its been seven years since the 7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball team at Fieldbrook Elementary School have won a league title. That all changed this season after the Falcons went 8 and 0, bringing home a new banner to hang up in the school.

The beginning of the season the Falcons started with a roster of only 11 boys. Three of them got injured. The team had eight players left, and faced other schools that were two to three times their size. They just had to make things work and ball out.

The moment they won their league championship, they couldn’t believe it.

To think the Falcon’s season couldn’t get any better, the team got to travel to Sacramento and play against Freshwater Elementary, on the Kings’ NBA Court. To top it all off, they won that game too.

Head coach Rob Hansen couldn’t be more proud of his team this season.

Reporting in McKinleyville, Leon Purvis, Redwood News.

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