Humboldt County Sheriff’s Deputies and CHP Officers visit Trinity Valley Elementary School


WILLOW CREEK, CA (KIEM) – Trinity Valley Elementary School students sit inside police cars and the Sheriff’s Sno-Cat. Its all part of the school’s Public Safety Day. Students were ecstatic to see what it was like to be aboard the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Jet Boat, and inside of the bulletproof Bearcat.

The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and California Highway Patrol showcased their safety equipment at Trinity Valley Elementary School. Its so students can meet law enforcement and see what they do on the job. One 6th grader aspires to be a police officer based off of previous experiences her family had with law enforcement.

“A lot of people in my family have gone to jail and prison. I kind of want to go the other way,” said Millennia McKindley, 6th grader at Trinity Valley Elementary School.

Millennia McKindley was able to get an up close look at the variety of vehicles at the school campus.

“I went on the boat. I went in that truck right there. Last year I got to go on the helicopter,” said McKindley.

The Sheriff’s Office is grateful for these events when they get to interact with school children.

“I think its great opportunity for kids to not only meet us personally, but see the opportunities that we can bring to the community as the Sheriff’s Office. And as a Public Safety figure,” said Travis Mendes a Sheriff Deputy.  

Bella Cabrera is another student who enjoys law enforcement coming to her school.

“I look up to Police officers a lot. And people who are in SWAT and Marines, who do service and protect others,” said Bella Cabrera 8th grader at Trinity Valley Elementary School.

The person that inspired Bella to be a police officer is her older brother.

“I look up to him a lot. He’s my oldest brother. He’s in law enforcement right now in Hoopa, and I want to be like him,” said Cabrera.

The 8th grader wants to start a career with the CHP after High School. Even with law enforcement in her family tree, she learned something new about the Sheriff’s Bearcat.

“You can fit at least 15 people in here. Their windshields are bulletproof. You can sit there and watch someone shoot at you,” said Cabrera.

Next Thursday morning the Sheriff’s Office will be hosting a coffee with the Captains at Starbucks on Myrtle. They will be partnering with the Eureka Police Department so the community can get to know them better. That starts at 9 a.m.