Special Districts Week kicks off next week in McKinleyville


McKinleyville, Ca., (KIEM) The California Special District Association along with a member of the state senate declares the last week of September, Special Districts Week.

Specials districts are created and funded by a community’s residents. Special districts also provide new or enhanced local services and infrastructure. 

Residents govern these districts through locally elected or appointed board members.

Next Sunday kicks off the first day of Special Districts Week.

The point of the week-long celebration is to encourage residents to become involved in their communities and in local government.

McKinleyville being a special district, encourages residents to join in on the celebration and come ready to learn something new.

“If there was no special district for McKinleyville then we would have to rely on the county 100% to provide the services we have,” said Greg Orsini of McKinleyville Community Service District. “We would have to incorporate.”

Special Districts Week runs from September 22 through the 28.