City of Arcata releases report detailing how Lawson case was handled by police


ARCATA, Ca (KIEM)- It’s an incident that most Humboldt County residents have yet to forget.

A official response to the David Lawson incident has come full circle. The National Police Foundation released a sixty-five page independent review detailing everything that happened the night of April 17, 2017 when Lawson was fatally stabbed.

Arcata City Manager Karen Diemer explains that the detailed review is just a prime example of how the city plans on taking care of incidents just like David’s with percussion.

Diemer states, “The most important message to get across is that we will work hard to implement the priorities in this report but that will not deviate at all from the core mission of the department which is the continuing of the investigation to bring justice for the murder of David Lawson.”

Local community members want to ensure that law enforcement are well trained if something like this happens again. One of the new measures was hiring an evidence technician

Arcata Chief of Police Brian Ahearn stated that by bringing in training expertise it will better equip the team if something like this ever occurs again.

 “We did bring in some additional resources we brought in detectives and leadership with homicide experience and we were able to develop a very strong case.”

The report has overall taken a considerable amount of time, all in hopes that it will bring law enforcement one step closer to the unsolved case of David Josiah Lawson.