Local Couple on United Flight with Potential Covid-19 Exposure Speaks Out


Eureka, Ca. (KIEM) — A local couple who were passengers on a flight flagged for potential coronavirus exposure are speaking out and sharing their story about how they learned a group of fellow travelers had tested positive for Covid-19.

Pam and her husband Frank contacted Public Health. Who told them to quarantine for two weeks since they weren’t showing symptoms.

That turned to confusion after seeing a press release from DHHS stating that those who are positive and not showing symptoms will be quarantined. Dore wondered how Public Health would know that if they weren’t testing people.

Right now, the couple is feeling well and in good spirits. They are looking forward to transitioning from a full quarantine to sheltering in place next week. After this whole ordeal, here’s their message to others. Stay inside, stay safe, and keep your space.

Both Pam and Frank want to share that they are so thankful for all of the offers of help and support from the local community, family, and friends, especially all of the words of encouragement.

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