A local Kitchen Store getting more foot traffic than ever


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- There have been many businesses that have either had to shut down because of the pandemic or have thrived.

Many stores that have seen an uptick in sales and customers have been kitchen stores but is that the case in Humboldt County.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many people to stay home and this has caused many people to pick up new hobbies or rediscover certain passions and there are many stores that have benefited from this, like kitchen stores.

Delish on 5th in downtown Eureka says they have seen more interest during the pandemic than ever.

“Yeah, definitely the COVID pandemic has kept people at home cooking more so in their kitchens trying to brush up skills that they had or learn new skills that they didn’t have,” said the Owner and Executive Chef of Delish on 5th Christine Sliver. “So, we have had a lot more inquiries of people just asking for tips.”

The owner of Delish, Christine Silver, says that this peak in interest has been good for her store. She has had the chance to give free online classes and sales have been doing pretty good during this pandemic.

Silver hopes that this increase in interest continues because it’ll be good for her business and will hopefully help mold the next generation of chefs.

“Cooking is something that is just near and dear to my soul and my spirit and so the fact that people are doing that more so, I think, is a wonderful thing and it’s been fun to kind of watch them pick up there old skills and then try to learn new ones,” said Silver. “So, I’m looking forward to see how long that lasts and how many new chefs come out of their home kitchens.”