Flyover for filming for next 3 days, will not land due to COVID-19


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, calif. (KIEM)-the redwood region is still on a temporary hiatus from filming – however – a production company was green lit to fly-over the area to capture Ariel footage of trees and rivers.

The crew will not be landing or entering the area on land to conduct their shoot, according to Film Commissioner Cassandra Hesseltine.

The production had planned to set up shop in Humboldt – but that is no longer an option due to the rise in COVID-19 cases and guidance from the public health department. 

Hesseltine says those living in Humboldt will most likely hear or see a low flying helicopter in the region in the next coming days – do not be alarmed.

Film Commissioner Cassandra Hesseltine with Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission says the community’s safety is their number one priority.

“They will be flying in by helicopter, possibly Thursday, Friday and or Saturday depending on weather, but they again will not be landing, she said.  â€œObviously, we don’t want people to be confused at why there is a helicopter doing some flights, on one or some of those days.”

Hesseltine says, there are no plans to reopen filming currently – especially due to the rise in COVID-19 cases and travel advisory.