Eureka officials release statement condemning last week’s attack on U.S. Capitol


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — The City of Eureka and Eureka Police release a statement condemning the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol last week. It also denounces any further efforts to use violence in order to impede our democracy.

The City and EPD support community members’ rights to free speech and to peacefully protest, but will not stand for the use of force, fear, or violence. The statement was signed by Mayor Susan Seaman, City Manager Miles Slattery, and Chief Steve Watson.

“The insurgence on the capitol was an event that was incredibly disturbing, and I feel like we take an oath to defend the constitution when we offer to serve in office, that includes our police officers, that includes our city manager, and a peaceful change of power is central to that. We want to be clear that it was not acceptable what happened,” according to Eureka Mayor Susan Seaman.

The Humboldt County Democratic and Republican Central Committees also released a joint statement denouncing the violence at the capitol.

Chief Watson confirms to Redwood News that there is no indication or evidence of any local, credible threats for inauguration day.