The Salvation Army Kicks off Toy Distribution Until Christmas Eve


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- With Christmas at the end of the week, the Salvation Army in Eureka began their toy distribution to families all throughout Humboldt County.

This event is called the Angel Tree Event.

Families in Humboldt County register online or in person to have toys and/or clothes given to their children for Christmas. Parents write down specific items their children need including their age group. Those items are written on tags on drop-off bins outside of banks, department stores, toy stores and other populated in buildings in Humboldt County.

Community members and donors buy the items on the tags and drop them off at their original bin. Volunteers at the Salvation Army have been wrapping these gifts and will be giving them to the families until Christmas Eve.

Officials at the Salvation Army say they are aiming to serve everyone this holiday season, including the elderly, the homeless and families in need.

They also say this is an even that requires more work and volunteers. They are urging families to register as early as September to ensure the gifts are distributed in time for Christmas.

“We had over almost two hundred families come in and get toys for their children. We also handed out gift certificates for food at Grocery Outlet. This is the busiest time of the year but also the most important. If you need us in any way, please reach out immediately so we can help, in any possible way,” said Loretta Dulay, Lieutenant Core Officer at Salvation Army.