Women Caught in Crossfire of Eureka Officer Involved Shooting


EUREKA, Calif.(KIEM) – Spent bullets from the chase hit a nearby house as the vehicles involved sped by firing shots at one another.

As the pursuit continued along Vance Ave. a woman was struck by a bullet that went through her window. Fortunately, the woman was unharmed. 

The woman – who doesn’t want to be publicly identified – says she was sitting on the living room floor with her son when she heard a pop.

She first told her story to our friends at redheaded blackbelt.

Living next to a fire station, the woman says she was not alarmed by the sirens and commotion, but she soon realized a bullet had traveled through her window, a wall, and a painting, before eventually landing on her arm. 

The woman says, 

“I heard a pop and something hot hit my arm.”

At first, the woman thought a bug had landed on her but looked down to find a spent bullet as seen here.

The woman called 9-1-1 and a deputy later visited her home to take a statement.

“At this time, we don’t believe that that was a round from a law enforcement officer. We believe it is a round from the suspect. however, that is still under investigation. And, so we’re going to be able to have a concrete yes or no at a later date,” said Samantha Karges, the sheriff’s office public information specialist. 

Luckily the woman and her son were both unharmed by the incident.