Freshwater Elementary School showcases their Science Fair Invention Convention!


The annual Science Fair Invention Convention at Freshwater kicked off this morning. Dozens of students ranging from 6th to 8th grade have put in the work to try and help solve everyday issues.

“There’s so many great inventions every year and I think everything has been invented and then someone comes up with something entirely new,” 6th Grade Teacher Kyla Rush said.

Building skills like public speaking, problem solving, and even marketing are just a few of the many highlights during the convention.

“One of the greatest things about this process is that it’s something for everyone,” Rush said. “Not only are they hands-on in the planning and the inventing and documenting; but they are also marketing their plan.” 

This evening– the gym was opened to parents and the community to take a closer look at both the inventions and science projects these students put together. The science projects from the 7th and 8th graders will be judged; with the creators of two projects looking to go to nationals. 

“You know, the whole process is just really rewarding for them,” Rush said.