Coach arrested for child sex crimes

EUREKA, Ca.- A Eureka basketball coach is arrested for child sex charges. Nathan Thomas Hently was a volunteer basketball coach at Eureka High School and...

Interview with Kimberley White

EUREKA, calif. (KIEM) – John Kennedy O’Connor is joined live in the studio by Kimberley White. A candidate for the Arcata City Council election.

Interview with Meredith Matthews

EUREKA, calif. (KIEM) – John Kennedy O’Connor is joined live in the studio by Councilor Meredith Matthews. An incumbent candidate for the Arcata City...

College of the Redwoods drops Vaccine Mandate

EUREKA, Ca.- You will no longer need the Covid-19 vaccine to begin your college education. The College of the Redwoods has officially dropped the vaccination...

Interview with Brett Watson

EUREKA, calif. (KIEM) – John Kennedy O’Connor is joined live in the studio by Brett Watson, the incumbent candidate for the Arcata City Council election.

Interview with Dana Quillman

EUREKA, calif. (KIEM) – John Kennedy O’Connor is joined live in the studio by Dana Quillman, a candidate for the Arcata City Council election.

Halloween Festivities at The Salvation Army

EUREKA, calif. (KIEM) – The Salvation Army in Eureka held a Halloween Harvest Festival this afternoon. Serving up cotton candy, snow cones, hot dogs, and...

Board of Supervisors Investigation

HUMBOLDT COUNTY- An allegation against Supervisor Michelle Bushnell has been sustained. The court determined that she went against the Humboldt County Code of Conduct -...

Willow Creek Assault

WILLOW CREEK, CA. - Theft turns into assault in the Willow Creek area. Humboldt county sheriff deputies were dispatched to a local hospital after a...

Interview with Nicholas Kohl

Eureka, calif. (KIEM)- John Kennedy O’Connor is joined live in the studio by Nicholas Kohl. One of the two candidates running for the Ward...

Arcata’s New Community Ambassador Program

Arcata, calif. (KIEM)- Three weeks ago the city of Arcata launched a new program, introducing what they call Community Ambassadors. Lead Ambassador Fhyre Phoenix says,...

Interview with John Fullerton

Eureka, calif. (KIEM)- John Kennedy O’Connor is joined in the studio by John Fullerton. One of the two candidates running for the Ward Three...

Interview with G. Mario Fernandez

Eureka, calif. (KIEM)- John Kennedy O’Connor is joined in the studio by G. Mario Fernandez. One of the two candidates running for the Ward...

The Arcata Fire District Reminds us of Winter Appliance Safety

Eureka, calif. (KIEM)- Humboldt County is starting to cool down, meaning our heating appliances are seeing the light of day once again. We begin to...


Yesterday it was announced that the port project for offshore wind is underway here in Humboldt county.  This afternoon (Oct. 27) locals, officials, and US...

Interview with Tiffany Hunt Nielsen

Eureka, calif. (KIEM)- John Kennedy O’Connor is joined live in the studio by Tiffany Hunt Nielsen. One of the two candidates running for the...

Interview with Juan Pablo Cervantes

Eureka, calif. (KIEM)- John Kennedy O'Connor is joined live in the studio by Juan Pablo Cervantes. One of the two candidates running for the...

“Boo at the Zoo”

Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation Executive Director, David Reed and Sequoia Zoo Foundation Director of Marketing & Events, Ashley M. Osia, are extremely excited to...

Weott Residents Inconvenienced with Another Boil Water Notice

Weott, calif. (KIEM)- Residents in the community of Weott received another boil water notice last week. This comes after the first notice was issued just...

Not Your Everyday Haunted House: The Haunted Kinetic Lab of Horrors

Arcata, calif. (KIEM)- The Haunted Kinetic Lab of Horrors is back again this year for its annual fundraising event. This is a haunted house like...